  • 空乘專業(yè)公眾號


  • 留學公眾號


  • 藝術(shù)教育公眾號


  • 職業(yè)教育公眾號








學院座落于素有“中國鑄造名城”、“汽車模具之鄉(xiāng)”、“中國鴨梨第一鄉(xiāng)”之稱的泊頭市,東臨渤海,北依京津,交通便利。學院的辦學目標是以教育類專業(yè)為主導,以經(jīng)濟管理類、裝備制造類、藝術(shù)社會服務類專業(yè)為輔翼,立足滄州及渤海新區(qū),面向全省,輻射環(huán)渤海區(qū)域,服務于京津冀一體化,服務區(qū)域經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,堅持應用型、開放式、有特色、高水平的辦學定位,構(gòu)建多元化人才培養(yǎng)體系,為社會培養(yǎng)大批高素質(zhì)技術(shù)技能型人才,為地方經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展提供智力支撐和人力資源保障。2013年,在渤海新區(qū)中捷產(chǎn)業(yè)園區(qū)的高教園區(qū)內(nèi),與中捷產(chǎn)業(yè)園區(qū)合作建立了泊頭職業(yè)學院渤海分校。2015年,將工科專業(yè)整體遷至渤海分校。學院師資力量雄厚。近年來,不斷引進高層次人才和優(yōu)秀教師,現(xiàn)有專任教師222人,來自各行業(yè)一線的兼職教師38人。擁有高級職稱的教師48人,碩士以上學位61人。學院大力開展“職教大講堂”、“職業(yè)教育論壇”、“青藍工程”、“青年教師教學技能大賽”,加強教師的培訓和培養(yǎng),鍛造了一支“師德高尚、業(yè)務精湛、技能嫻熟、結(jié)構(gòu)合理”的教師隊伍。其中雙師素質(zhì)教師達到33%,河北省“三三三人才工程”二層次人才1人,全國優(yōu)秀教師1人、特級教師3人,河北省教學名師1人,河北省優(yōu)秀教師5人,河北省優(yōu)秀教學團隊1個,曾憲梓基金獎獲得者3人,滄州市專業(yè)技術(shù)拔尖人才6人。學院連續(xù)多年被評為文明單位、示范學校、教學實績突出單位、精神文明學校、先進領導集體、先進基層黨組織。2007年7月,學院被河北省委省政府命名為“河北省教育先進集體”。Botou Vocational College, which carries out the education of junior college level, is a state-owned full-time college approved by Hebei Provincial Government and filed with Ministry of Education. The college is a very famous historical school with glorious revolutionary tradition. It was founded in September, 1925, and at that time its name was No.9 Provincial Normal School in Zhili Province. The name of the school was changed into Hebei Botou Normal School after the founding of new China. In July, 2000, the name of the school was changed into Cangzhou teachers’ College, Botou Branch and the school began to recruit full-time junior college students and carry out junior college education. In April, 2009, approved by Hebei Provincial Government and filed with the Ministry of Education, the school was upgraded into an independent college and its name was changed into Botou Vocational College. Over ninety-three years of education experiences, the college has trained a large number of excellent talents for Hebei province and the whole country, and has made great contributions to the national liberation, the birth of New China and the economic construction of our country. Meanwhile, the college has formed its good school spirit, teaching spirit and learning spirit, which have been handed down from generation to generation. The college has long been called “the cradle of revolution south of Tianjin” and has a good fame of “the Huangpu Military Academy in Cangzhou” The college covers an area of 571 mu, among which the building area is 176,000 square meters. The college owns a total fixed assets value of RMB260 million Yuan, The main campus of the college is located at 150, West Jiefang Road, which is in the central district of the city. In the college, there are 4 classroom buildings, 4 practical training buildings, 9 students’ apartment buildings and 4 students’ dining halls. There is also an administrative building, a library building, a high standard sports stadium on the campus. With a complete set of teaching facilities, with all kinds of professional laboratories and classrooms, and with a collection of 438,000 books and 500 GB of electronic books in the library, the college has superior teaching and scientific research environment. With a greening rate of more than 40%, with a large area of green trees, green grass, beautiful flowers and many graceful pavilions, the scenery of the campus is very nice and charming. The college has been entitled “garden school” and “provincial green school” by Hebei provincial government. It is indeed an ideal place for schooling and education..   Botou Vocational College has two college-enterprise cooperative projects. One is the computer network specialty jointly established with Qinhuangdao Derun Computer Information Technology Service Co., Ltd., the other is the electronic commerce specialty jointly established with Wuhan Huizhongjucheng Technology Co., Ltd. For the students in these two specialties, “Order-type cultivation mode” is adopted. That is to say, the two specialties are jointly managed and the students in these two specialties are jointly educated and trained by both the college and the enterprise, and when the students graduate, the enterprise is responsible for their employment.The college always takes “College-enterprise cooperation and work-integrated learning” as its talent cultivation mode, and attaches more importance to college-enterprise cooperation and the students’ internship and employment. Now the college has 90 off-campus practical training bases. The college insists on the principle of employment-orientation in the educational work, pays more attention to the work of employment guidance and service, and has formed a jointly working mechanism of “l(fā)eading by the college leaders, initiating by the Department of Employment, and participating by the Party secretaries and counselors of the department” to do work of employment guidance and service well. The college always provides the students with employment and entrepreneurship guidance and service by means of post practice, job fair, etc. In recent two years, with graduate employment rate of 94% and the employers’ satisfaction rate of 93%, the college has won praises from all walks of life.From now on, the college will stick to the college-running principle of running college by law, human orientation ,democratic management and scientific development, and continue to deepen the reforms of teaching and education. Taking “to lay a solid college running foundation, to create first-class brand specialties, and to build a high-level regional vocational college” as its overall developing goal, the college will endeavor to become a high-level regional vocational college.  









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